This Mother’s Day, my thoughts turn to my own mother. You’re probably the same. Although we set time aside each year to celebrate our mothers and motherhood, we all know that mother’s have one of the hardest jobs on the planet! And we really should be thanking them much more frequently. From the day a child is conceived, a mom shifts into protective and nurturing mode, both biologically and emotionally. A mom’s mission in life turns to helping her children grow, learn and contribute to our world. Her job lasts a lifetime with little time off. If you’ve not yet heard, it takes a secret superpower to be a mother! Thanks, Mom!
My Mother’s Prayers
My parents knew they wanted to start a family, but they had to wait. In their case, three years. And during this time period, my mother prayed. For those of you struggling with infertility, you can understand her heart, you’re praying, too. Looking back, I am extremely grateful for my mother’s prayers during this time. They may have seemed to be barren years. but I see that she was making a spiritual investment in her future children. The time she spent praying was not time wasted. She was praying for the women we would become. She was intervening WAY in advance of our terrible twos, teenage rebellion years and young adult antics. I’m pretty certain her prayers helped us through the hard times we would face. They certainly protected us from some bad decisions. Her prayers ultimately influenced our belief in Jesus. Prayer is my mother’s secret superpower, even to this day!
With God’s Help
One thing we know for sure is that every mom needs God’s help in rearing her children. Whether it’s a request for wisdom, patience or something else, God hears us and He answers. Prayer is a superpower that every Christian mother has at her fingertips. Yes, if you are Christian mother reading this today, you, too have a secret superpower! The question is, have you been using it?! You may resist by saying you have no time, but that is certainly not the case! God can hear the prayer whispered at any time. Are you folding laundry this afternoon? Say a prayer of protection for each little one as you fold his socks or her leggings. Are you making lunches this morning? Spread on that peanut butter and offer up a quick prayer for God to nourish your child’s soul. Dropping off the kids at soccer practice? Ask God to prepare them to work well with others and learn teamwork. You can begin today practicing a mother’s secret superpower with these little whispers of prayer.
Maximize Your Superpower!
The quick prayers are great, but there is always room to maximize your superpower. The Bible is the first place to turn if you want to get serious about praying for your children. Here are some prayers and scripture to help:
- Dear Lord, help my child know that you limit temptation and provide a way out when they face temptation. (1 Cor. 10:13)
- Heavenly Father, direct my child into your truth. (Psalm 25:4-5)
- Sovereign Lord, show my child your wisdom. (Ephesians 5:15-17)
- Help my child believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God. (John 20:31)
- Show my child how to do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with God. (Micah 6:8)
- Give my children peace in whatever circumstance they face. (2 Thessalonians 3:16)
- Keep my child away from the evil one and sanctify my child in your truth. (John 17:15-17)
Praying God’s Will for Their Future
Notice that none of these prayers are asking for what our culture would tell us to request (ie. wealth, power, fame, happiness. an easy life, etc.). At the root of each of these prayers is God’s will. These prayers are about surrender, obedience and conforming our lives to the will of God. These are the things that matter the most to a mom who believes in Jesus. Are you a mom that believes in Jesus? You have a mother’s secret superpower, prayer! All of your prayers will be heard. Some of them will be answered as you expect. Others will be answered unexpectedly. Sometimes God will say no to your prayer, asking you to trust Him for the outcome. This Mother’s Day, know that the prayers you pray for your children are an important investment in their future. And know that you can trust your child’s future to God.
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I loved this so much